Hi Parents!


Heather Andrews
Center Director

Heather has worked as the Director at Best Friends for two-and-a-half years.  She went to Snow College and earned her AA & AAS, and went to Utah State and got her BA in FCHD.  She spent 12 years at the Migrant Head Start before working at Best Friends.  She has two kids-Austin, who is 9 years old, and Carter who is 4.  Her hobbies include sports, music, more sports, and chasing her boys!  Her favorite thing about working with kids is the funny things they say, and how their faces light up when they learn something new.  

Birthday: April 22nd
Dream Vacation:  Any vacation is a dream!
Favorite Movie:  All romantic comedies, but lately 'The Blind Side'.
Favorite Color: Yellow
Favorite Childhood Memory: Growing up on a farm was great.  All my cousins were always around and there was always something to do & explore.  I had a great childhood and would love to recreate it for my boys. 

Kirsten Nelson
Office Coordinator

Kirsten is from Centerville and has worked at Best Friends since 2006.  She does music time with all the classrooms and is the Office Coordinator.  She has her Bachelors Degree in Music Therapy from USU.  Kirsten has worked as an intern in several local schools, lead intergenerational group at Sunshine Terrace with children and residents, and teaches music lessons.  She is married and has a son, Dylan, who was born in April, and two dogs.  Her hobbies are music, going to Jazz games, real soccer games, Aggie games, and shopping!

Birthday: January 26th
Dream Vacation:  Hawaii
Favorite Movie:  Anything with Johnny Depp :)
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Childhood Memory:  Going on vacations with her family and going camping at the 'Red Cliffs'.