Hi Parents!

Monday, January 31, 2011


Hi Parents!  Here are a few announcements for the month of February!

-March calendars are due on Feb. 15th

-Scholastic will be here in time for Valentines Day (yay!)

*Preschool parents -- The preschool teachers have started a Tiger Room Newsletter - be sure to pick one up from the classroom!

Thank you for all you do, parents!  We love working with your kids!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

More Announcements!


Thank you!!!
Thank you to all of the families who donated Christmas presents to the center.  The classrooms have enjoyed getting new supplies and toys! 

Also, thank you to all of the parents for your support in our Christmas program.  We had a wonderful turnout and the children did a fantastic job.  Thanks for helping your children learn their songs, poems, and jokes.

Illness Exclusions
With permission from our Infection Control, we have made a minor change to our Illness Exclusion policy.  Now, if your child has had one or more episodes of vomiting in the previous 24 hours or less, they will either not be allowed to come to the center or sent home.  Thank you for your help!

Year-End Statements
Your year-end statements are ready.  You will find them on your child's cubby.  If you would like a electronic copy, let Kirsten know.

Rate Changes
The new rate changes are started this month.  If you need a copy of the new rates, please let Heather of Kirsten know.  Thanks for understanding

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January Announcements!

Hi Parents!

Some announcements for the month of January--
- Calendars are due on the 17th this month
- Scholastic book orders will be out later this month

*Reminder:  Parents, we go outside everyday.  Please make sure your child has appropriate winter clothing - snow pants, hats, mittens, boots, etc.,  to keep them warm while they are playing in the snow.

Thank you!